What I’ve Learned About Ironstone February 18, 2013
Are you one if the millions, who love ironstone china? Count me in!
I brought home my modest collection from the shop this week, because it just wasn’t selling. I attribute that to two things. 1) I’m not be buying it right (price wise) or, 2) people don’t know it’s history, or appreciate its longevity and simplicity.
One thing for sure is that you can’t buy it on eBay, pay for shipping and still have room for profit! I have made some good buys, here in town, though.
Since buying my first piece, I’ve learned a couple of things. By no means am I an expert!
I’ll avoid pieces that are from China. I understand that there are lots of reproductions on the market that are being sold as originals. This wasn’t one of them.
U. S. companies, like Homer Laughlin, have been making ironstone in the country for years. But it’s been made recently as well. It’s easy to sell a contemporary piece as something old.
I’ve been told to look for wear that would be natural for a piece that’s over 100 years old. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is!
These two Johnson Brothers pieces look like they are from different eras.
I’ve seen plates displayed over headboards for a while now. I love the look, although, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. What are you supposed to do? Have breakfast in bed, with plates off the wall? Oh well, I’ve jumped on the bandwagon, here in my daughter’s room.
What about you? Do you love ironstone? Have a special place to buy your stash?
Ready to spill the beans?
Do tell!
Have you entered my wax brush give away? Sure hope so!
I don’t get plates in the bedroom either….but then I’m not trendy! I have one true piece of ironstone….my grandmother’s wash bowl. It is old, and crazed…beautiful, and it’s safely stored away because it is too big to display. I’m guessing by your comments, ironstone is expensive. Too bad, because it’s beauty to me, is in it’s simplicity!
Hi Barb…I have been looking for affordable pieces here and there…found a great small covered dish Wedgwood ironstone piece in a thrift shop for $3.00…yay!…Unfortunately the ironstone has become so popular that the prices seem to keep going up….
I love your style!
Thanks, Susanne! You should see your red Chinese cabinet over at the shop! Have a successful sale today!
Hey there,
I also love Iron Stone. I am with the club of not getting the plates over the bed. I think if I did that I would glue Captain Crunch on it. My Mom had a lot of it. So pretty, here in Colorado the price has gone up as well. Great pics!
Captain Crunch? But, of course!