This Week at The Treasured Home March 26, 2014

Well, there’s a lot going on, at The (bigger, badder) Treasured Home!

First of all, check out the wall-o-paint! I found this rack last weekend, while out scavenging, and it is perfect, for displaying my Amy Howard One-Step color boards! I don’t know what it was used for in its previous life, but for $42.00, I’m happy!!

wpid-cam00441.jpgCheck out our expanded work shop and class space! Mr. Wonderful completed the third rolling work table last week. The top is made of butcher block, that I painted with MMS milk paint, in the color “Trophy”. (That’s Diane in the picture, working hard!)


You may have noticed this bamboo shelf, in the shop before.


Knowing that I was bringing in some linens and placemats, I decided to spruce the shelf up, with Amy Howard’s black spray lacquer.


It turned out great and I love the new tea towels and place mats.


The 4×6″ burlap bags are new, too! Fifty cents each. Great for wrapping silver wear, party favors, or you name it!


Patti directed me to a garage sale on Saturday, where I found this frame. It was pretty sad, painted black. So after a coat of One Step, gold leaf and dark wax, we now have a masterpiece on our hands!


How about a close-up?


By the way, mark your calendars, for our Spring Party! Thursday, May 15th, 6-9 pm. We’ll be featuring the art of local artist, Michelle Andres, while local vintners, The Wreckless Blenders pour their fab wines, and talk vino with the guys. Back by popular demand, palm reader-to-the-stars, Anna Esparza will be on hand! If rumors are true, Mr. Wonderful will be smoking beef, which is one of his favorite things to do! Please join us!

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  1. Valerie McKnight on March 27, 2014 at 1:10 pm

    Lots of great stuff going on over there! Can’t wait to come by and check it out!

  2. Erin on March 27, 2014 at 2:23 pm

    Looks great! Wish I could come rather than blog stalk, but FL is quite a ways away from CA. Sounds like a fabulous party. BTW I WANT one of those rolling work tables. Mr. Wonderful needs to give a tute on those!

  3. Donnamae on March 27, 2014 at 7:40 pm

    Lovely frame! Your shop looks great, 😉

  4. Andrew on April 10, 2014 at 3:50 am

    I just came across this site whilst searching for vintage furnishings. I felt I had to comment on what a fine job you have done with the picture frame. I could use a craftswoman like you in my workshop. Well Done.

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Sunday: 12:00-4:00


(916) 514-5272