My Favorite Flower July 2, 2011

Whenever possible, I love fresh cut flowers in the home. Yes, I use silk flowers as back up, just to bring color, height, or visual interest into a space.


While they’re producing some pretty amazing silk flowers these days, you have to make sure they’re always clean and that you don’t over-do a good thing.

Certainly, nothing compares to the “real deal”! So, rather than spending money on cut flowers, I try to keep flowers growing in the garden, during the warm half of the year. My favorite flower of all time, inside or out, is the gorgeous Hydrangea. Not only are they lovely, but easy to grow in areas with afternoon shade, which we have a fair amount of. You’ll need to cut them back each year, to keep them bushy and to remove the “dead” wood. Plus, if you don’t manage them, the’ll become gargantuan!

Usually, I arrange them by themselves. This time, I added a very delicate fern, purchased at Twigg’s on J Street. But they’re also beautiful in mixed arrangements.



Any kind of vase, pitcher, or mason jar will do. Be sure to cut the stem at a diagonal and I even cut straight up into the stem with my pruning shears, before immediately putting them in water. Their stems are often “woody” and this helps them absorb water and last longer. Like any cut flowers, it also helps to change the water daily, if possible.


What’s your favorite flower? Is it easy to grow?

Happy Saturday!

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