Good Things Worth Sharing September 3, 2011

Today, I’m offering a “grab bag” of ideas and news. First of all, if you ever shop Ballard Designs, they’re having a 15% off sale on everything until midnight, Tuesday night. 11:59 pm, to be exact.

One of my new favorites in their mirror department is the Audrey mirror. It comes in 3 sizes, starting at less than $100.00. The larger sizes would be perfect in a bath or over a mantel.

You can order it here: Audrey mirror

Now, promise you won’t roll your eyes on this one, but I have a big blue and white bowl, that I store above the cabinets, because I like to see it and because it’s too big for most of my cupboards. The only problem is that there’s molding that rises above the top of the cabinets, and the bowl is partially hidden…so…drum roll please…

See what I mean? It’s partially hidden, so..

I brought in some bricks, to create a raised platform for the bowl…and now you can see it!


Now, if that didn’t impress you, have you heard of ruff ‘n buff? It’s a metallic paint that my BBFF (Best Blog Friend Forever), Stacy, at Conspicuous Style told me about. It can be used on wood, or metal. She used it to paint her brass hardware to silver! I tried it on a sample piece of hardware, and it works!


Holy cow! It’s available at Michael’s and the like, so try it out.
As you may recall, my dearest dad, passed away recently.

Being the practical folks that we are, my four sibs and I decided to put my parent’s big house up for sale, before our declining real estate market and economy get worse than they already are. Well, it sold in about three weeks and we need to find a new home for all of their treasures in just three weeks from yesterday. Oh my! I love writing my blog and I also know…

So, I will just do the best I can. Before I wish you a Labor-free weekend, I’ll leave you with a wonderful thought to consider, that another BBFF shared with me…


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  1. Stacy@RedDoorHome on September 3, 2011 at 5:38 pm

    I have the same problem with my kitchen cabinets. I used some old books to add height to a few things I placed on top. It is amazing how much better adding a little bit of height can make.

    • Barbara Bussey on September 3, 2011 at 5:57 pm

      Hi Stacy, still lovin’ your new bookcases! Did your husband build them or a carpenter? Just lovely!

  2. Jane on September 4, 2011 at 3:26 am

    Great idea with the bricks, that is on thing I have never used but whatever does the trick. I have some things that the rub and Buff might just do the trick for. I love knowing about new products.

  3. Barbara@HausDesign on September 5, 2011 at 9:27 am

    Hello from one Barbara to another! I lived in Folsom for a few years so I know your neck of the woods! Thank you so much for your kind comments on Tina’s and my blog today! I have signed up for yours also so I’ll definitely be back. 🙂 I have only read this post so far and already I love it! I laughed about the bricks – I would totally do something like that! I was sorry to read about your Dad – my thoughts are with you. Thanks again so much…glad to have “met” you!

    • Barbara Bussey on September 5, 2011 at 3:12 pm

      My goodness! Folsom! You are the international traveler! It’s really such a small world, especially in the blog world! I’m glad we’ve “met” too! I can’t wait to see what your new store turns out to be! Is this your first business adventure or are you a seasoned business woman? Can’t be too “seasoned” with two little ones! Anyway, I wish you success!
      Until next time,

  4. Barbara@HausDesign on September 6, 2011 at 1:53 am

    Just saw that you replied to my comment here. 🙂 This will be my first business to call my own…but I had a career in high tech (Intel – Folsom) before my kids so that’s where my business acumen comes from. 🙂 Fingers crossed!

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