Finding Your Authentic Design Style February 16, 2011

Are you trendy or traditional; cottage or mid-century vintage; contemporary or simply not certain?

Well, if you’re not sure, you’re in good company! And that’s where some people can benefit from the services of a design “mentor”…someone who will help you stay true to the style that serves you best.

In my mind’s “eye”, good style has little to do with “taste” and everything to do with editing, to maintain a look and feel that’s consistent throughout a home, bringing a harmonious balance to the entire space.

Creating “harmony” takes discipline. While I’ll see fun displays of brightly colored hot pink and turquoise pillows, in magazines or shop windows, I know that I can admire them, but that they’d be inconsistent with my home’s style.

So, how do you find your own true personal style? For many of us, it naturally evolves over time. For others, I recommend spending a rainy afternoon at the bookstore or library, flipping through interior design magazines, to identify what visually speaks to you.

There are also some wonderful digital magazines and on-line sites, like or, that I highly recommend.

Just remember that the most lovely, inviting homes evolve over the course of many years, so take your time and enjoy the process!

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