More News from the Shop!

By Barbara Bussey | August 23, 2013 |

Hello again!, It’s Friday night and before I lock the door, just a few more things to share! Mr. Wonderful hung my vintage shelf racks. Love that guy! Linstening to Linda Rondstatt on Pandora. Some things just never go out if style! I gave this girl a new lease on life, with MMS Milk Paint and her new White Wax, which I love! Every time I walk by the Votivo soy candle display, I briefly close my eyes, (until I run into something.) Love the mixture of natural scents, blended together! Never do I want the fragrance to overpower visitors!…

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My New Laughing Goat…(Happenings at the shop!)

By Barbara Bussey | August 22, 2013 |

I have a new friend at the shop! I call him “the laughing goat”, because he looks so happy. Today was my first full day, back at the shop. I leave, knowing that everyone’s in good hands, with Patti there! She sold a number of large pieces, while I was gone, so I did lots of re-arranging today. Along with my new Tahoe garage sale stash, a friend is downsizing, so I bought a number of treasures from him. Yesterday and today was filled with sorting and pricing. I love bringing new things into the shop! It’s sort of like…

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New Paint Products In Stock!

By Barbara Bussey | August 19, 2013 |

Calling all furniture painters! (Shouldn’t we have a secret handshake? At least we can show our battle scars. You know, paint in our cuticles, on our elbows or what used to be a favorite sweater!) It’s now easier than ever to reach a $25 order to qualify for free shipping, because I’ve added new goodies to the shop! Marian’s three new colors are finally on line and 1 ounce sample sizes are now available in all colors, for $6.00 each! These are great professional grade, synthetic, angled brush paint brushes, (2″ for $6.95 and 3″ for $8.95)! The new White…

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My kind of garage sale!

By Barbara Bussey | August 18, 2013 |

Before I get down to business, can I hear a round of applause, for the beautiful new blog header, Ann Marie designed for me this weekend? The black and white stripe reminds me of the B & W striped valence, in my actual shop window! Now, where was I? Oh, yes! Beautiful Lake Tahoe! In case you’re wondering, smoke is on the lake, due to the terrible forest fires . Fortunately, none close by. Knock on wood! If you love a good garage sale, like I do, you would have been in heaven, at this one! Truly “Old Tahoe”, this…

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Sunflower Painting Party! (Sept. 26th at the shop!)

By Barbara Bussey | August 16, 2013 |

Now you know, I live, breathe and dream about furniture painting, but a woman of substance needs some variety! Don’t you think? We’ve got a very fun evening planned, Thursday, Seotember 26th!, at The Treasured Home!. Niki Gamboa is a woman who loves to paint, whether it’s a canvas or kitchen cabinet. She will pre-sketch each canvas, to save time (and ensure a masterpiece) and guide the group through the picture painting process! You may have seen her teaching class at a couple of wineries in the region. Patti and I will be in charge of serving wine and appetizers!…

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Need a vanity, darling?

By Barbara Bussey | August 15, 2013 |

Have you ever sat at a vanity, to put on your war paint? I think my mom used to say she was “putting on her face”! Like there wasn’t a face there before! It seems like all the movie stars used to sit at their vanity, brushing their thick, wavy hair. Or, applying their red lipstick. Ravishing! I’ve never had one. A vanity, that is. Never had the money for one when I was younger and now I don’t have the space. So, I’m stuck at the bathroom sink! How sad! This desk comes with a matching mirror and would…

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News & Events at The Treasured Home!

By Barbara Bussey | August 7, 2013 |

Greetings! Yes, it’s me! Have you missed me?! I’ve got news to share about the shop, but first a quick look at the calendar! Back to School, at The Treasured Home: Furniture Painting Class Special! Bring a friend and you will both receive $20 off of the $65.00 class price! All students, taking the 3 hour classes will receive an extra 10% off of supplies, on the day of the class!! You need to register in person, or on the phone and pay for your class at the time of registration, to receive the special discount. If you’re thinking it’s…

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Chalk Painted Buffet Gets Glazed

By Barbara Bussey | August 2, 2013 |

Hello, dear friend!, You may recall that a few weeks ago,a customer at the shop was downsizing. She brought a wonderful buffet to the shop, and it has slowly made a change for the better! Here she is after just a quick topcoat, to test a color. The rest of her is wearing a blond faux crackle. Solid as a rock, she weighs more than a Sumo Wrestler! I made a custom mix of Old Town Paint’s Mocha and Dark Gray. 50/50. I just put one cost on the sides and front and two coats on the top, for good…

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Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 10:30-4:00
Wednesday: 10:30-5:00
Thursday: 10:30-6:00
Friday & Saturday: 10:30-5:00
Sunday: 12:00-4:00


(916) 514-5272