Tips from the Accessory Queen!

By Barbara Bussey | November 20, 2010 |

You know, I’ve always wanted to be queen of something,so I am the self-proclaimed Queen of Accessories!  Truthfully, I can’t live without them.  Plush throw pillows, pottery, artwork, greenery, personal treasures, beautiful books  and family photographs are just some of my favorites things. No home is complete, in my world, without beautiful vignettes throughout a home, that are pleasing to the eye and tell a small story about the people who live there.  Perfectly arranged accessories take all the design elements into consideration, including texture, color and proportion.  Best of all, it’s easy to update your accent pieces throughout  the year, taking…

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Spray On Some Holiday Cheer!

By Barbara Bussey | November 18, 2010 |

Have you discovered the versatility of metallic spray paint?  No?  Well, if you’re looking to jazz up your holiday home, for next to nothing, gold and silver spray paint is your friend!  How about taking your harvest collection of pumpkins and gourds and spraying them a mix of silver and gold?  If you have an inexpensive wreath that needs some love, spray it gold and hang it in a window from a pretty ribbon, to say “welcome”!  The list goes on, to include baskets, candlesticks, picture frames…although, I’d suggest you stop short of the kids. Happy spraying!

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Holiday Plans for Two Empty Nesters

By Barbara Bussey | November 11, 2010 |

Joyous Noel! It’s Veteran’s Day and already, I’m anticipating my first Holiday season without either of my children in sight. My adult children, 19 and 21. Instead of “crying in my soup”, which would be easy to do…I’m going to rack my brain for some festive things to plan for, sans children. How about having a few, brave friends over for hot toddies and Christmas carols by the fire or through the neighborhood? Maybe a neighborhood brunch, keeping it as simple as possible with wonderful pastries, fruit, coffee and mimosas? Now we’re talkin’! What are the holidays without family? With…

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Side-tracked at Carnegie Deli

By Barbara Bussey | October 21, 2010 |

For me, the senses become more ‘alive’ here in New York city. Between beautiful sights, amazing clothing and accessory displays to scrumptious food and the latest home design showrooms, it’s so delightfully easy to become distracted! Today, I was in awe, strolling through Henri Bendel’s 2nd and 3rd floor of costume jewels, scarves, purses and gloves! I almost didn’t make it there, with the “sales sharks” on the first floor, pushing beauty potions and fragrances. I’ve never seen anything like it! While there, my favorite purchase was a pair of lime green gloves, that are extra long, so I can…

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ABC Carpet and Home

By Barbara Bussey | October 16, 2010 |

When I walk through the doors of ABC Carpet and Home, I’m transported to another energy level. You’d think that with a name like ABC, you’d find a boring, nondescript store with more of what you see everywhere else. Just the opposite, as a matter of fact! ABC is in two massive buildings in Manhattan and four stories, filled with carpet in one building and amazing bedding, antiques, accessories, lighting, you name it, across the street. Simply wonderful!

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Wolfhome, 22nd & Broadway

By Barbara Bussey | October 16, 2010 |

If you’re looking for wild and not so wild fabrics on custom built furniture, this is your source!

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By Barbara Bussey | October 10, 2010 |

Saturday’s staging inventory sale was a huge success, thanks to my dear friend, Moka and his amazing organization and sales skills! My husband, Bob, was there to help as well and together, we were able to sell 80+% of everything in stock. Lots of folks got some great deals, which was also rewarding for us! It felt wonderful to see the things I had carefully selected, find new, happy homes, making way for new design adventures for me in the years to come! Wednesday, I head for NYC, the “Big Apple”! We’ll re-visit my favorite design haunts and hopefully discover…

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Home Stager’s Closeout Sale – Bargains Galore, Oct. 9th

By Barbara Bussey | October 2, 2010 |

If you or someone you know is looking to do some decorating “on the cheap”, a great opportunity is just around the corner!  This coming Saturday, October 9th, the entire home staging inventory is up for grabs at some very attractive prices.  If you’re a home stager or looking for some new home accessories, accent tables, art, silk trees, lamps, rugs, dining tables…you name it…put this event on your calendar! The sale starts at 8 a.m. and goes until 2 p.m., at 9900 Fair Oaks Oaks Blvd., in Fair Oaks, next door to Bob’s Cycle Center, near the corner of Fair…

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