10 Things I Love About This Room

By Barbara Bussey | September 2, 2011 |

Before becoming the blog fairy, I would jump at new magazines arriving in the mail; “Traditional Home, Better Homes & Gardens” and many more. Now, thanks to my fellow blog friends and Pinterest, I get more visual stimulation than I could ever hope for! Stacy at Conspicuous Style, recently posted this master bedroom picture and it was love at first sight! 1. Let’s start at the top. The ceiling…you know I love a beamed ceiling! 2. The fireplace! I’ve painted myself into this room, with a good book on a chilly afternoon, enjoying the warmth of the fireplace. 3. The…

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Introducing Annie Sloan Chalk Paint for Furniture

By Barbara Bussey | August 31, 2011 |

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint is a line of furniture paint from England, that is now sweeping the United States. I doubt that the surgeon general or the head of the CIA knows about Annie Sloan Chalk Paints, (ASCP), but crafters, DIY’ers, and design bloggers are “in the know”. What’s so special about Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, you ask? Well, probably the ease of application is what makes it so unique. It sticks to just about any surface without sanding or preparation, besides having a clean surface. It dries quickly and often one coat will do the trick, followed by the…

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Local Landscape Architect & Artist’s Well Loved Home

By Barbara Bussey | August 30, 2011 |

Last year, I hired the amazingly talented landscape architect, David Gibson, to come by our home and give me his thoughts on what to do with the landscaping in the front of our home. Before leaving, he invited us to come over and see his own home’s landscaping, since he wanted to show me how he had used some of the materials he spoke about, for our place. It was a great idea but never happened. Lo and behold, there is a beautiful spread in the September issue of Sacramento Magazine, with gorgeous pictures of the home…inside and out. I…

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What’s an 0live Jar Worth?

By Barbara Bussey | August 29, 2011 |

Many of us seem to be discovering antique olive jars these days. I’ve developed a fondness for them. They’re from Spain, Greece, France…anywhere olives are grown…and many are over 100 years old! My question is, what makes this French olive jar $2600, while this one, origin unknown… Costs $285? The shop I found this one in has a twin and they’re both on these neat iron stands. The shop is a collective and the owner wasn’t there, but I guess I need to ask him/her for more information. Maybe they’re reproductions? If they are, they are surely good ones…at least…

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In the Market for an Upholstered Bed Frame?

By Barbara Bussey | August 27, 2011 |

If you’ve ever thought about updating your bed to one of the gorgeous, upholstered bed frames, this might be the perfect time to take action! This beautiful linen, wing back head board and frame, is available in limited supply, today on Joss & Main. Price? $469.99! Pretty amazing, if you ask me! It’s available in a number of colors and you’ll have to become a “member” of Joss & Main, if you aren’t already, but these are gorgeous! Happy shopping!

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Paper Is This Girl’s “Gold”

By Barbara Bussey | August 26, 2011 |

In my short-lived life as a design blogger, I’m amazed to see some of you southern women with craft/art/office/sewing rooms as big as Tara’s mansion in “Gone with the Wind”. I’m not sure where all the space comes from, but it’s enviable! I have a dear friend, Debbie, who is a die-hard paper goddess. She has a small space in her home that’s meticulously organized to pack any tool or gizmo made that has to do with paper. If it’s been made, she’s tried it, bought it sold it or given it away. Her trash is my treasure! And the…

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Another Fun Packed Day…

By Barbara Bussey | August 25, 2011 |

I know you’re all crazy to know what’s been going on here today. I’m sure Mr. Wonderful is dying to know that while I was leaving Target, with all of my “bargains”, I managed to meet a darling young lady in the parking lot…bumpers first! But rest assured, as I was looking for bed pillows to add a bit more color in the guest room, I found two beautiful blue velvet pillows on clearance, saving $5 per pillow! (yes, I know that the pillow in the middle really doesn’t work) Let’s see, body work, minus my stellar $10 savings, equals….…

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Lighting for our Guest Room

By Barbara Bussey | August 24, 2011 |

Good day dear friends, For ages, our guest room has only had one nightstand and one lamp. I know this sounds horrific, so I recently decided to remedy the situation. It’s not a big room, but should two people stay there, it certainly is nice to have a place to set a cup of coffee, a book…a gun, or what have you. The original nightstand is an antique, so there was no chance I’d find another to match, and the lamp was purchased about 4 years ago, so not much chance to find a matching lamp either. So, I searched…

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