DIY Chicken Wire Noteboard

By Barbara Bussey | September 26, 2011 |

Way back, I took my maiden voyage into the world of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. Now, some of you would dive right in and paint your heart away, on a desk, dresser or hutch. Nope, not me. I started with a picture frame! Not one to move at break neck speed, in the land of tools, instructions or paint, this was a safe approach to take. That left me with, well, a painted picture frame! What will I do with that, I asked myself? Then, friend Dorothy, told me about her new chicken wire note board, and I/we got right…

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Come Into Our Living Room…

By Barbara Bussey | September 25, 2011 |

We’ve recently inherited a number of pieces that belonged to my parents and I have spent time finding just the right spot for each of them. It’s bitter-sweet…losing my parents, but it’s nice to keep things that they loved and that I grew up with, close by. When no one else wanted these large table lamps, I decided that they might work in our home. The original shades were a bit much, so I made a hop on over to Lamps Plus and picked up these new shades. I cleaned the lamp and crystals and now we are ready for…

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Craving A Farm Sink In The Big City

By Barbara Bussey | September 23, 2011 |

While I’m really not complaining about our dear kitchen sink, if I had my hand in on our kitchen’s design, early on, I would have asked for a farm sink. While our sink is tucked nicely into a corner, with views of our backyard, it would be impossible to slip in a farm sink without moving the dishwasher, cutting the granite (replacing it with Carreras marble?) and all sorts of other unmentionables, that Mr. Wonderful isn’t likely to go for. So for now, I’m just dreaming a bit, browsing through pretty pictures. Join me? Now, as long as I’m dreaming,…

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Our House…Come On In!

By Barbara Bussey | September 22, 2011 |

As you might recall, my father passed away recently. Compared to my Mother’s passing, when I sobbed for what seemed like weeks, I’ve taken my Dad’s passing much better. I imagine it’s because he was 89 and had lived such a wonderful, long life. Who knows? My four siblings and I made a quick decision to place my parents’ home of forty plus years on the market, concerned about the real estate market and upkeep. The home sold much faster than anticipated and we recently met to take turns, picking our favorite pieces in their beautiful home. I’ve had a…

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Great Restaurant Design

By Barbara Bussey | September 21, 2011 |

Half of the fun of dining out is enjoying the ambience of a place. They say we eat with our eyes and today, mine were feasting at Cafeteria, at 15th and L, here in Sacramento. I know it’s a crazy name for a nice restaurant, but what do I know?! Located 2 blocks from the state Capitol, Jerry Brown was no where in sight. He’s probably back at the Capitol, looking for extra tax revenues. (good luck with that!). This lovely bookshelf is what you see when you first walk in the door. Staff is friendly and professional. I particularly…

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Our San Francisco Get-Away’s for Sale

By Barbara Bussey | September 20, 2011 |

Nearly seven years ago, Mr. Wonderful and I bought a great 2 bedroom condo, a block from the San Francisco Bay and walking distance to so many fun things.  The condo’s was wearing all of its original 30+ year old finishes when we purchased it and we really had a great time bringing the interior design up to 21st century standards!  Mr. Wonderful, under direction of a general contractor, was able to install crown molding, base boards, lighting, re-face cabinets and paint, while others installed new flooring and granite counter tops.  I got to do the really fun stuff!    We’ve…

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Kitchen Window-Seat Love

By Barbara Bussey | September 19, 2011 |

One of my favorite things about our home is our large, eat-in kitchen. It’s probably one of the things that really sold me on the home, nine years ago. I really enjoy the window seat…especially changing the pillows to fit each season. This was the very last bunch of hydrangeas I could gather from the yard, I’m sad to say. We eat in the kitchen far more than we ever use the formal dining room. It’s lovely, but not nearly as warm and cozy as the kitchen. Even when friends come over, we still end up in the kitchen. What…

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Jeffrey Bilhuber’s New Book Out This Week

By Barbara Bussey | September 18, 2011 |

Jeffrey Bilhuber’s third design book, “American Style” , is due out this week. The new book showcases twelve of his interiors, and there’s a fun interview with him in House Beautiful this month. Two favorite quotes include: “When you hire me, you hire a decorator, not a resourcer.” (In response to a woman looking for a pink lamp.) And better yet, “What you love never goes out of style.” Here are a few of his rooms, thanks to “House Beautiful”… Enjoy! I understand he has a thing for painted floors! Sounds like he’s quite intense, confident and still able to…

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