Our San Francisco Condo in Transition

By Barbara Bussey | January 9, 2012 |

Well, hopefully this post will appear more organized than I feel right now. Over the weekend, we moved, sold, packed up and cleaned our 2nd home, in San Francisco. Now we’re trying to find a place to put everything. I shouldn’t be complaining, because Mr. Wonderful did all the hard stuff. Fortunately, we have storage space for the furniture we’ve decided to keep, but you can imagine what’s involved, since you know what moving’s like! I looked back at some pictures tonight, of all we accomplished in our little get-away. Mr. W. got to really put his woodworking and painting…

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My Pillow’s Famous!

By Barbara Bussey | January 8, 2012 |

Well, I guess my Kravet designer fabric pillow isn’t an actual “celebrity”, but the fabric was featured on this month’s “House Beautiful”! My pillows are available for photographs, if any of you paparazzi want to stop by, Thursday through Sunday, at Veranda! I think this fabric would mix well with… And even… What do you think? On a slipcovered sofa? Or on dark grey velvet or corduroy chesterfield? Hmmm… Are you a yellow and grey lover, like I am? It’s a new week! I hope it’s a great one for us all!

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Temptations at Veranda Antiques

By Barbara Bussey | January 5, 2012 |

Well, I had the pleasure of working at Veranda today and as usual, had a ball! I always meet the nicest people, including my new BFF, Amy! The only problem, if you can call it a problem, is that I usually end up being the best customer if the day. So be it. If that’s as risqué as my life gets, I’m in pretty safe waters! Today’s favorite acquisition is this wonderful fur muff that I’m going to turn into a small pillow. I learned this little trick from a favorite blogger at for the love of a house who…

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Open Kitchen Cabinets – A Huge Money Saver and a Great Look

By Barbara Bussey | January 4, 2012 |

Updating a kitchen can cost a “boat load” of money, if you’re not careful. I’ve heard stories of the $100,000 kitchen and beyond. In many cases, homeowners update their homes far more than they’ll ever recoup when they go to sell, which is unfortunate. Then, there are those that never plan to sell and can afford all the “bells and whistles” and I say go for it! If I were moving into a first home, or wanted to update the one I had, without breaking the bank, I’d remove the cabinet doors, fill the screw holes and paint the shelves.…

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By Barbara Bussey | January 3, 2012 |

I was lucky enough to inherit my parents old world map, when they passed away. It’s big and beautifully framed and I spent far too little time studying it, when I was a child. Now, it has a place of prominence, in our living room. I love the colors found on maps and best of all, I can see where travels have taken me and where I’d still like to go. Come along and see a few other maps I found on Pinterest… I dreaded the moment Mother de Chantel would pull one of these maps down, in class, for…

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The Best Time To Post Your Blog

By Barbara Bussey | January 1, 2012 |

If you’re like me, you’ve grown your blog by trial and error and by following the example set by more experienced bloggers. Many of you have been my “teacher” and I thank you! Mr. Wonderful, a mortgage banker, sent me this graph, indicating early morning to be the best time of day, to send out blog posts. It makes sense to me. Typically, I read blog posts first thing each morning, with my coffee in bed. What a treat! If I don’t do it then, it doesn’t get done. WordPress allows you to choose what time of day your blogs…

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Craft Night at the Treasured Home

By Barbara Bussey | December 30, 2011 |

Last night, in our home, free of Christmas decorations, and visiting family, I became magically transformed into Mrs. Crafty! Imagine that! Always up for an adventure that’s fast and cheap, I used one of my favorite fabrics, painter’s drop cloths, to sew two throw pillows for our living room sofa. Here’s the back side… I’m not terribly skilled on my Singer, so I made zipper-less pillow covers. I used a 21″ square of fabric for the front of each pillows, allowing for 1/2 inch seams. Then for the back panels, two 13×21″ pieces allowed room for the edges to be…

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Merry Christmas, Dear Friend

By Barbara Bussey | December 24, 2011 |

“What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store? What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?” -Dr. Seuss (via Empress of the Eye) Thanks to you, my friend, for helping make 2011 such a memorable year! From our house, to yours…health and happiness in the coming year! Jen, Betsy, my daughter, Jessica, my daughter-in-law and Andrew, my son, yesterday afternoon.

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