More New Pillow Fabric & Lunch at The Breakers

By Barbara Bussey | January 20, 2012 |

With just two days left in South Florida, the sky is clear and it should reach 80 today! Pretty nice! I’m ready to get back home soon,to work on some projects. I hear Annie Sloan calling my name and am going to work with her gorgeous red color, for starters. Emperors Silk, I believe she calls it Yum! While in Palm Beach, we had lunch at the Breakers Hotel, built way back in the 1920’s. Stunning hotel for the well-heeled. I don’t know what the room rates are, daahling, but they’re probably out of our league. Lunch provided the perfect…

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Touring West Palm Beach & Antique Row

By Barbara Bussey | January 19, 2012 |

What a wonderful day for antique lovers, in West Palm Beach! It all started at the Brass Scale Antiques, where Jane Schott is the shopkeeper and also a blog-buddy. Her blog is called Empress of the Eye. She keeps track of all the gorgeous pieces that come into the shop, thanks to Judy, the proprietor. Now, Jane and I had never done more than notes on line and a couple of phone calls, but we became fast friends. I felt like I’d known her for years! We walked up and down the “row”, talking to shop keepers about next month’s…

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Dreams of Touring the Paris Flea Market

By Barbara Bussey | January 18, 2012 |

As a regular reader of Velvet and Linen, I stumbled upon an older post about her visit to the Paris Flea Market last summer. It was one of the most inspiring blog posts ever. It just made my imagination run wild! You can see the post by clicking here. The beautiful pictures made me feel as though I’d been transported there and was walking the streets. The Paris Flea Market is the largest flea market in the world and after 150 years, it’s probably one of the oldest! So, that got me thinking…there must be guided tours of this wonderful…

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Focus…Plus a Fun & Inspiring Link Party to Join

By Barbara Bussey | January 17, 2012 |

I’m not sure if you’ve ever read a sweet blog, called, but they’re hosting an unusual link party called Word often Year. The idea is to pick a word and keep it in plain sight throughout the year; on the refrigerator door, in your sock drawer, on your car’s dashboard. A constant reminder to growing a better life, a better me. Here in Blogland, we’re all avid readers and writers. Words are a part of our life. They represent us. They can also bring us closer, or push us farther away from one another. Studies have also proven the…

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Trend Watch: Otomi Fabric Has Gone Wild

By Barbara Bussey | January 16, 2012 |

I have been hearing and seeing so much talk lately about Otomi fabric. While I had seen the pattern, I didn’t even know it’s name, until now. It’s finally getting the recognition it should! It’s timeless and simply beautiful. I found Jane at Empress of the Eye, talking about hand-stitched Otami recently on her blog, along with an introduction to Spoonflower, a company that will create your fabric designs. They’re offering “Otomi” design replicas on easy to care for fabric! Amazing! Followed by Elements of Style, talking about Otomi and Spoonflower Otomi fabric replicas. Low and behold, this morning, Abode…

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Antique Show in Stuart, Florida & More

By Barbara Bussey | January 16, 2012 |

What do you do, on vacation in Florida? Why, go to an antique show and flea market, of course! Yesterday was cold and grey, here at the beach, but today is beautiful, even know it’s pretty breezy. Before heading out to the flea market, we toward the beach, pool and Mr. Wonderful’s favorite, the barbecue. This would be a great meet place up with the kids! < /> On the way to the flea market, we found an antique fair! This lovely woman was “holding court “at her booth, wearing a fur pelt coat! She asked me how old I…

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Queen Isabella Stopped By

By Barbara Bussey | January 12, 2012 |

Well, I kind of made up the story about Queen Isabella. But it seemed like an appropriate name for the person in my new oil painting, at Veranda. Isn’t she fun? Certainly can’t miss her! No, I didn’t paint her myself. I found her standing by herself at the Alameda Antique Fair. I finally found something that holds most of my pillows. It’s a bakers rack and seems to work just great. I saw this darling Valentines day banner on Etsy. It looked pretty simple to make so I whipped out the sewing machine today and put it together. Doesn’t…

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Pillow Love

By Barbara Bussey | January 11, 2012 |

Since my pillow addiction seems to be growing more serious, I’ll soon be adding an on-line pillow shop to my blog! My tech wizard, Ann Marie, is going to start the process next week and I’m so excited! Pillows will be available as simply a cover, if you have your own inserts, or with poly or down/feather inserts. If you remember the fur muff I found at Veranda, It has evolved into a little lumbar pillow! I found another pretty lambs hair muff on eBay that should be here soon. Pillow, anyone? While out and about, I stopped in at…

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