If you’ve read my blog for a while, you might remember that my Dad passed away six months ago. Since that time, my siblings and I have been going through the legal hoops to make sure we’re doing everything required of us, to settle his and my Mom’s financial affairs. While he paid great attention to details, even he didn’t have his bank accounts in their trust. You’re probably wondering what this has to do with a “Treasured Home”!? Well, I’m glad you asked! There are so many elements that go into creating a home you want to share with…
Read the rest >>Hi everyone, Last week, I shared all the scoop, about my life, that you were just dying to know! Frankly, I’m surprised “The Enquirer” hasn’t shown up on my doorstep, begging for another, in-depth interview…but they’re still busy following poor Demi around, I guess! Today, is the 2nd installment of the eight week series… Today, we are honored to have blog-star, Kim Nichols, of Savvy Southern Style, stop by and share a few tidbits about her very full life, that you may not already be up on! If you aren’t yet a follower, I hope you’ll visit her popular blog!…
Read the rest >>I’m not an antique expert, but I know what I love. And there’s plenty of it at the Sacramento Antiques Fair, every second Sunday, under the freeway! At least half the fun, is the hunt! Finding that diamond in the rough, that little nugget I’ve been looking for. Yes, parking is a supreme “pain”, so be sure to take a chill pill before leaving home. There are lots of nice folks. Heck, you might even make a new friend! I know I’ve arrived, because I have my very own “granny cart”! Yeah, it may not look like much cool stuff,…
Read the rest >>Are you wondering what to do with Great Aunt Henrietta’s collection hand-made lace doilies? Well, it turns out that I repurposed a botanical print, (that wasn’t selling at the shop), into a dry erase board, using some bleached burlap and a gorgeous doily, that I had no other place for. And then I added one of my favorite quotes, and back to Veranda it goes! A while ago, I used this frame as my first Annie Sloan Chalk Paint project. (I like to start small!) I think this make-over turned out great! It was a busy day at the shop!…
Read the rest >>OK, so I’m not going on an Italian cruise, but what do you think about these shoes? Enjoy a relaxing weekend!
Read the rest >>Hello again! Thanks so much for stopping by! On a recent buying trip, I found this cute little foot stool, that someone had carefully recovered! The only trouble was, that it was missing its “poof”! There’s a simple fix, for poof-less foot stools or chair seats, covered in fabric. As you can see, in the photo, I took a 1″ piece of foam, that I cut at a diagonal angle with scissors, an inch smaller in diameter to the existing form, to help create a rounded edge. Then, I covered that with a layer of batting, followed by the final…
Read the rest >>It’s been such a fun-packed week, so far, that I haven’t even let the rain and grey skies bring me down. First of all, I always love a craft experiment project, so, I’ve had fun making little heart pillows for Veranda’s Valentine’s Day Party, this Sunday, 10:30 till 5:30. Due to some other commitments, I won’t be there until about 1:30, but don’t let that stop you from having a glass of champagne without me! These are some of my little heart pillows. The first batch was pretty hard to identify, so I call them my “Imperfect Hearts”! It turns…
Read the rest >>Greetings dear friend!, Today is one for the blog history books! At least my own personal blog history book! Everyone has one, don’t they? No? Well, I’m excited to be launching the first installment, of my first-ever blog series, entitled… Pretty fun, huh? There will be 8 weekly installments, written by 8 of us. These are women I’ve been following for quite a while; all of whom I’d like to know better. I’m talking about the real life joys and challenges, woven through our daily lives. By the way, I had to laugh, when coming up with the series title,…
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