Hello there darlings!, You’d think I was on the payroll at Annie Sloan, considering all the posts I’ve made on the product! Sadly, that’s not the case! It is so darn much fun though, to take something that was in really sad shape and turn it into something I’d enjoy in our own home! This has been a busy painting week and tomorrow we’ll be taking the goods over to Veranda in the Clampett-Mobile. (The Clampett-Mobile is this ratty old open trailer that Mr. Wonderful has had for years. When I first saw it, it reminded me of the Clampett’s,…
Read the rest >>Hello my dear, In between customers today, at Veranda, I made these crazy fabric flowers. I made a prototype out of some scrap material and think they’d look especially cute in some bolder, summer fabrics. My first effort turned out larger than I’d like. I started with pieces of fabric, cut in airplane propeller shapes. I gathered the center if each “propeller”, so that it was cinched in the middle. Then I put a needle through the center of 5 “propeller blades”. Then I arranged them as I thought looked best and sewed them in place Finally, I sewed a…
Read the rest >>Pretty catchy title, eh? You probably thought I had started selling contraband diamonds from deep within the jungles of Africa. Not yet. You’ll be the first to know! Well, truthfully, I feel like a babe in the woods, taking my first wobbly steps with this ASCP stuff. …or maybe it’s 1971. I’m in my black leotard in Miss Brown’s Modern Dance class (the “bitchen” alternative to generic P.E.), when I feel like I’m dancing pretty darn well! In fact, I’ve got my groove on, so much better than Cindy Welt! Anyway, where was I going with all of this? I…
Read the rest >>Dear Wonder Dog, It’s me, your mom. Remember me? Do you really have to chew up the beautiful bed covers I sew for you? Was it the Velcro closure that you didn’t care for? Or the mix of fabrics? Please! Do tell! I’d love to spend my time creating something more exotic than a dog bed. No offense! Yes, of course, you are the apple of my eye. I feed you, I walk you, and all I ask in return, is that you don’t chew up your bed! Love, Your Mother If your dog enjoys chewing his bed, it’s easy…
Read the rest >>Hello darling! (Yes, that’s really what I say when I greet a friend, so let’s get to it!) This week, on the ratings-buster…. …we are meeting up with one of West Palm Beach’s antique experts and the writer of a favorite read of mine, Empress of the Eye. Drum roll, please! Let me introduce Ms. Jane Kilpatrick Schott, who on most days can be found “holding down the fort” at Brass Scale Antiques, on Antique Row. As you might recall, I spent a wonderful afternoon with Jane, last month, and she introduced me to the “who’s who” of antiques on…
Read the rest >>I have finally painted enough pieces of furniture, to see what works and what doesn’t. If you’re thinking about making your first ASCP purchase, here are a few rules to live by: 1. Relax. You can have just about all the do-overs you need with this product, as long as you do a light sanding in between coats. Besides, it’s not supposed to look perfect, so go with your guy instincts. This little table has made great progress since this shot. Yet, we found some wood filler was too high, so the top got some more sanding and it’s back…
Read the rest >>Rain or Shine, Enjoy Your Weekend! Until next time, Barbara
Read the rest >>As the self-appointed foot stool expert, (having recovered 2 now, in two weeks!), I’m back with my newest DIY project. I found it Sunday, at the Sacramento Antique Fair. It came with the board and the leg base. It was a pretty straight forward project and what I really like is that the legs are old. The first foot stool project was nearly new, in comparison. I imagine that at one time, the wooden sides were completely covered. But I like the look of the wood, plus I lack the skill, at this point, to move to Upholstery 1-B. So,…
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