Back In New York City! October 24, 2013

Hello again!

With our daughter in college, in New York, we have the perfect opportunity to enjoy the big city, while here.

We never arrive with any advance plans. Typically, I’ll see a play or two, but I’m just as happy walking through different neighborhoods, taking in the sights, as they come.

20131024-150931.jpgKinky Boots.

As you may know, I’m not a published entertainment critic, but I thought that the story line was pretty close to ridiculous. Still, I love the energy of just about any live performance!

Story line: Young man, who grew up in a small factory town, in England, is the heir to a shoe factory, started by his grandfather. After his father dies, the young man learns that the business has been losing money and he will have to either close the factory or find a new market to sell his product to.

As one often does, he meets a drag queen, and the two of them decided that there is a market for flashy (kinky) boots, that will support the weight of a man.

Enter, dancing, singing drag queens, in wonderful costumes and those notorious Kinky Boots!

I won’t spoil your fun, in case you plan to see the musical, but you get my drift.

We also saw a play, based on John Grisham’s A Time to Kill. It was very well done with a wonderful set design and lighting. (More unprofessional editorializing)

And, then there’s New York’s food! Which, by the way, is hardly much more expensive than Sacramento’s more mediocre fare.

The fresh mozzarella in this salad, tasted like it had been made that morning and the chicken…well it was terrific!

The restaurant, Fiorello, is across the street from the Lincoln Center. Our wonderful waiter, Andrew, is an aspiring, 25 year old, baritone opera singer, from Florida, seeking fame and fortune. I wish him well!

Of course, I had to also check out one of my favorite discount shops, while here.

I left empty-handed, thankfully, since there is no extra room in my luggage!

Next stop, West Point, to see Cadet Betsy!Safe travels to you, wherever you go!

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  1. Shirley@housepitalitydesigns on October 28, 2013 at 2:08 pm

    Oh Barbara…have a wonderful time in the City and with your daughter!!!

    • Barbara Bussey on October 31, 2013 at 8:21 am

      Thank you, Shirley! Looks like you’re having too much fun these days, too!

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