Holiday Plans for Two Empty Nesters November 11, 2010

Joyous Noel!

It’s Veteran’s Day and already, I’m anticipating my first Holiday season without either of my children in sight. My adult children, 19 and 21. Instead of “crying in my soup”, which would be easy to do…I’m going to rack my brain for some festive things to plan for, sans children.

How about having a few, brave friends over for hot toddies and Christmas carols by the fire or through the neighborhood?

Maybe a neighborhood brunch, keeping it as simple as possible with wonderful pastries, fruit, coffee and mimosas? Now we’re talkin’!

What are the holidays without family? With 3 sisters and a brother, I’m blessed with lots of siblings to spend time with. How about getting tickets to the Nut Cracker, here or in San Francisco, after lunch or dinner? Wouldn’t that be festive?

Depending on your budget, it could be as simple as stringing popcorn and cranberries, for the birds outdoors to enjoy, as you share favorite memories of Christmas as a child.

We all have our own special traditions, but that doesn’t mean they’re “engraved in stone”. Happiness means making the best of what we have.

So, I’m going to pull out the calendar now, so that the season doesn’t slip on by, without plans for some heartfelt fun!

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  1. Rosemarie on November 13, 2010 at 12:02 pm

    I would love to see an assortment of fireplace mantel decor for a living, both symetrical and asymetrical. We have a 15-25 ceiling incline and I am looking for new ideas. Would like tall and slender glass vases of different heights ( green translucent glass) or something that would catch the light. The area above the mantel has a
    3″ recessed area where we have placed a rosewood mirror. The room decor is british colonial/old world. Accents of animal throws, Green and white chinese jars, deep plum, gold and green accents.
    Can you help with ideas????

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