As feared/expected, I’ll continue to be a good customer at Veranda. If you like the silver tiered dessert piece or the silver footed cheese plate to the right, you’ll find them at my house! Love them! I’m trying to think of a place for this very cool lamp! The place looks gorgeous! Open Sunday, 10:30 ’til 5:30. Stop on by!
Read the rest >>Oh boy! Tomorrow is the Alameda Point Antique Faire, across the bay from San Francisco, in …you guessed it…Alameda! I have NEVER been, but I’ve heard about it for years! It’s time to tackle the “Mother” of flea markets! With Mr. Wonderful and the Wonder-Dog at his side, I doubt I’ll be able to hit all 800 booths, but I’ll give it my very best! Door knobs, anyone? The market is always scheduled for the first Sunday of each month and with Christmas around the corner, I’m sure that this one will be packed. Hopefully, I’ll find some great new…
Read the rest >>What a great day! The morning hours were slower than slow at Veranda. Then, the flood gates opened and the afternoon went quickly. My bother and two of three sisters stopped by as well as the girlfriends above, including Kathleen, Debbie,Eileen, Cookie and Jini. Dorothy, Marcia, Susan, Felton and Karen all stopped by, too. Good times were had by all! If you didn’t have time to stop by today, I hope you’ll be able to get by, Saturday or Sunday! Enjoy!
Read the rest >>It’s official! I’ve moved into my very own room at the Veranda Antique cottage, in Carmichael! The last week has been pretty much non-stop, making all the finishing touches and I’ve had the time of my life! Many of you live outside of the area, so I wanted to show you my little “slice of heaven”. And if you are in the area, let this be a sneak preview! As an admitted pillow-addict, I’ve had some favorite fabrics turned into beautiful pillows! I just love how they turned out! You’ll see them everywhere and there are more to come! I…
Read the rest >>Yes! It’s only three days until The Treasured Home opens for business at Veranda Antiques and Collectables! I wouldn’t be sleeping at night, if I wasn’t so dog-tired, from getting last minute preparations completed. And I wouldn’t be as far along as I am, without the help of Mr. Wonderful, who painted my room yesterday and is loading the truck for me right now! He’s my Mr. Fix-it, he’s my everything! Last night I finished sewing a couple of table runners. Yesterday, I painted a table that I’ll wax today. I hope the “after” pictures are everything I expect them…
Read the rest >>Reading the Sunday New York Times, on-line this morning, I sneaked-a-peek at an add for condo’s in Long Island City. The development, called The View, is “one subway stop from Manhattan” and 75% sold…pretty good in this economy! I haven’t read the fine print, but it appears that 2 bedroom view condos sell for $795,000. Now, we’re not in the market for a New York home, but it doesn’t cost anything to dream, does it? Where would you buy a home, if it could be anywhere in the world? Wherever you live, enjoy the day!
Read the rest >>Hello dear friends! I returned late Wednesday night from an adventure I’ll never forget! My younger brother…my only brother…invited his four sisters to join him on a boating caravan, more than six months ago. I was amazed and happy, when all four sisters accepted his generous invitation to travel from San Diego, stopping in Ensenada, Cabo San Lucas, La Paz and many ports, in-between. Our brother/captain, showed us the ropes and before you knew it, we were sharing watch duty, keeping on course. Sunrise and sunset was usually an amazing spectacle of nature. I saw a half dozen dolphins swimming…
Read the rest >>My four siblings, a brother and three sisters are just now leaving for a 16 day voyage along the Baja coast, to Cabo San Lucas and then back north, up the eastern coastline. We’ve planned this trip on my brother’s boat for months! I’ll be out of communication while gone, so stay safe and be well!
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