New Estate Sale Finds & Other Reasons to Shop at Veranda this Weekend!

By Barbara Bussey | December 20, 2011 |

OK. I want to see a raise of hands, for how many of you have finally finished all your shopping! Is that you, Beverly, I see, without your hand raised? I thought so! Bless your heart! Well if you’re one of the slugs, busy little beavers who still has a few hard to shop for friends on your list, may I suggest you stop by Veranda, this Thursday, Friday or Saturday! I found this very cool Hitchcock chair at a recent estate sale. It’s “signed” on the back! I also found this very darling chair with a cane seat and…

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Making the Most of an Air Mattress for Guests

By Barbara Bussey | December 18, 2011 |

My sailor son and his wife got into town Friday night, only to drive 3-plus hours to Redding, for a wedding yesterday. Now, they’re heading here, to spend Christmas with us! Woo-hoo! I’ve done my best to make his old empty room into a comfy place to stay, despite the fact that we are still minus furnishings for the room. I promised that they’ll have a real bed for their next visit, but this time around, it’s going to be an aero bed. Bob and I have slept on them before and they’re amazingly comfortable, all things considered. In order…

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My New Ironstone Ebay Purchase

By Barbara Bussey | December 15, 2011 |

I’ll have to admit, my eBay buying experience is pretty limited, with mixed “buyer satisfaction” levels. And then there are the inflated postage rates. Maybe postage for my new ironstone vegetable tureen was so high because of the heavy duty, high tech shipping materials. Good thing I got a good price on the tureen itself, despite the shipping costs. On the other hand, I really think postage should have been almost free, since the seller was able to get rid of all their garbage, while packing this little guy. Off it goes to Veranda, tomorrow! Do you shop eBay often?…

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Hold On Martha! Hobby Lobby’s In Town!

By Barbara Bussey | December 13, 2011 |

Well, today, I had a long list of errands to complete… like most of us. At the top of my list was making my maiden voyage to Hobby Lobby. They are a company that I’ve heard all of my fellow bloggers talk about on the east coast. I had heard so many wonderful things about this store and was so excited to learn they were coming to town. They’ve moved into what used to be a Mervyn’s department store on Douglas Boulevard, and the place is huge! I found all the things I was looking for, and many things I…

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The House Is Decorated…At Last!

By Barbara Bussey | December 12, 2011 |

Well, I finally got the house “done up” for Christmas after Mr. Wonderful put the lights on the tree last night. I’ve done the lights plenty of times before, but you sure don’t want to be here when I’m doing it. We’re all better off leaving the nasty work to the mister! But as we know, this is an all day deal, because there’s the kitchen… and of course the mantel… And the four stockings. My stocking on the far left was knitted by my dear Aunt Donna, years ago! I noticed that there are some new moth holes since…

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Quote of the Moment

By Barbara Bussey | December 10, 2011 |

As seen in front of San Francisco’s Ferry Building… So true! Go Army! Beat Navy! Enjoy your weekend!

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New Finds at Veranda

By Barbara Bussey | December 8, 2011 |

Lately, all I write about is Veranda, but you know how it is when you have a new “baby”! Today was a “work” day for me at the shop and I had a great time! The morning is always slower than the afternoon, so I had a chance to photograph a few of my latest finds. At the Alemeda Antique Faire, I found two of these velvet hunt caps… …along with some lovely pillows (leaning Tower of Pillows) made from antique fabric and king pillow cases, with ruffles and antique lace sewn in. I love the new (old) wire basket…

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18 Days Til Christmas…Oh My!

By Barbara Bussey | December 7, 2011 |

As a quick note about the Alemeda Antique Faire on Sunday, oh my gosh! The event is everything I had heard it was and more! I’ll post pictures, once they’ve found a spot in the shop, but I quickly filled up our mini SUV! I scored a couple of huge oil paintings, that I sat under, on the way back to San Francisco, along with even more pillows, a couple of black velvet riding helmets and a very cool wire basket! My favorite goodie found on Sunday, was this wonderful sunflower still life, for $40.00! Next time we go, we’ll…

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