No, there’s no 12-step program for lampaholics, but why would you need one? For me, lamps are a design accessory, not just a functional appliance for your home. While recessed ceiling lights are everywhere these days, they won’t “doll” up your home (or make you look as good) as a beautiful table lamp. I love old table lamps from the 60’s, 70’s and beyond. Here’s a darling lamp I found for my kitchen counter. It had years of dust and a long, grimy white cord. I set about cleaning the lamp with a mild soap and water mixture, using q-tips…
Read the rest >>I know I keep repeating myself, but thank goodness for the sun! It’s still peeking in and out, from behind puffy white clouds, so I’m enjoying every minute before the first heat wave.
Read the rest >>While wallpaper has made a beautiful comeback to many home interiors, so has stenciling. I’m not talking about grapevines around your kitchen ceiling. I’m talking about stunning graphics, artfully applied. If you plan on doing this yourself, I’d encourage you to keep it simple and take your time, with a ruler and level close at hand. You can cut your own stencil or buy them ready to use. A smooth surface works best because heavily textured walls allow paint to seep through where you don’t want it to be. Best of all, when you’re ready for something new, you don’t…
Read the rest >>I have forever loved blue and white china! My everyday china is Spode’s “Blue Room Collection”, that I used to pick up at Marshall’s for ten dollars a plate. I use blue and white china to hold the utensils on my kitchen counter..again pieces picked up at Marshall’s for next to nothing. The list goes on. Now, I’m sure that a collector can tell the difference between my Marshall’s “finds” that are scattered around the house, and the “good stuff”, but I’m in luck, because I know no collectors, and don’t expect any to drop in soon! Still, it adds…
Read the rest >>I love creating the perfect groupings of accessories in my house because a) they’re so easy to rearrange for a new look b) they allow me to express a little creativity without a big investment c) I can use them to reflect seasonal changes or holidays. Over the years, I have acquired special keepsakes, that have history or meaning to me or my family. While other things may come or go, depending on trends, or simply tiring of them, these things are with me for life. Together, the new and the old spell “home”. For me, artwork, accessories and lighting…
Read the rest >>Old Town, Fair Oaks, is slowly becoming a shopping destination for vintage and antique collectors. It’s always had tons of charm and potential, and I’m happy to say it’s attracted two or three retailers that truly understand the art of display.
Read the rest >>What do you look for, when purchasing a sofa? There are lots of things to consider, besides the price tag. Here’s my list… The Look: First and foremost, I have to love the way a sofa looks, before I’ll even bother to sit in it. I shop for simple lines and fabrics, traditional designs that can be dressed up or down. Huge, over-stuffed sofas take over a room. They become the focal point. Most average sized family rooms and living rooms in today’s homes just aren’t big enough to compete with these ‘big boys’. I say, keep walking! Comfort: Look…
Read the rest >>While the outdoor rooms in the prior post are certainly impressive, there are many ways to create a wonderful outdoor space,without ‘breaking the bank’! Instead of custom made or ready made outdoor curtains, consider cream colored painter’s drop cloths. It’s easy to install grommets for hanging and the material is washable and long-wearing. Pillows tossed on a chair or bench can add comfort and visual interest. Pick up an old coffee table at a garage sale; give it a light sanding and paint it with a glossy enamel in a fun color to complement your other pillows and accessories. Mirrors…
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